We perform today, to give families their tomorrow

Welcome to Stars of Tomorrow Cabaret Performing Arts, where the power of performing arts meets compassionate giving.

Through our Cabaret Talent Shows, Open Mic Events, Little Stars Musical Theatre Summer Camps (ages 9-13), and Main Stage Players (ages 13 - 22) productions, we support our theatre arts programs and families in need. These events serve as our biggest fundraisers, enabling us to make a difference in the lives of children facing chronic childhood disorders/illnesses. We understand the frustrations, anxieties, and even depression that parents and children may experience during these challenging times.

At STCPA, we are more than just a musical theatre program. We have a greater purpose—to give back to our fellow kids in need. That's why we have the STC Shining Star Award, an annual award funded to assist deserving youth and their family on their journey.

If you know a child dealing with a chronic disorder/illness, we encourage you to nominate them for this prestigious award. Download the STC Shining Star Award Nominee Form and submit it via email at or by mail to Stars of Tomorrow Cabaret, 130 W. Main Street, Suite 144-150, Collegeville, PA 19426.

Our dedicated Board of Directors will review all the nominations received by June 21, 2024, considering the needs of the families and who would benefit most from this honor. On July 5, 2024, we will notify both the nominator and the nominated family about the outcome.

While we wish we could provide aid to every family who applies, our ability to do so depends on donations. Currently, we can only award this opportunity to one deserving family.

Join us in making a positive impact in the lives of children facing chronic disorders/illnesses. Together, we can shine a light of hope and compassion on their journey.

Stars of Tomorrow Cabaret Performing Arts: Empowering Through Performance and Compassionate Giving.                

The Shining Star Award has been awarded for over 14 years where our performing art actors performed Broadway-style productions, so they can give back to the children and their families dealing with these chronic disorders/illnesses:

  • Osteosarcoma

  • Cystic Fibrosis

  • Waardenburg’s Syndrome

  • Leukemia

  • Enteric Neuropathy

  • Epilepsy

  • Save a Life Foundations

  • Cerebral Palsy

    STCPA - Illuminating Lives Through Purposeful Performance and Compassionate Giving.
